Détails de l'annonce

Necklace with large pendant - pewter

Les classéesMarchandisesNecklace

Pac #P12991

Prix :
30,95 $
Offre commerciale
Lévis (190.3 km) Annoncée depuis plus d'un an
À vendre

Description générale

The large pendant is handcrafted with pewter and has a 1 inch diameter size. It shows the exact phase of the moon as you would have seen it in the sky on your special day.

The large moonglow pendant necklace can fit to every neck size and will look beautiful in any women or man that wears it. It makes a perfect gift for every special occasion: Christmas birthday, graduation, valentine's day, etc.

for a limited time

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(418) 837-4000
Cellulaire : 14185207873
4805 Boulevard Rive-Sud
Lévis (Chaudière-Appalaches) G6W 1H4

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